The end and the start

The day came.  Our holidays ended, much earlier than I was ready for, and we woke up on the first day of preschool for 2013.  Totally accustomed to lazy mornings since last December, I had to drag myself out of bed with a mental pep talk to get everything packed and ready to go.  Sophia, on the other hand, bounced out of her bed full of beans and eager to see all the friends she has missed.  She even asked me to bring my camera to take photos of her!  I am very fortunate to have a daughter so in love with preschool.  She’s never cried for us leaving her there – quite the opposite – she has cried about having to leave at the end of the day!  It’s beautiful to watch the friendships she has made, her attachment to her teachers, and her knowledge of the world, grow.  She never stops talking, question after question, desperate to understand everything she can.  And her memory never fails to impress me!  I couldn’t be more proud and yet I find myself wishing she would slow down and let me hold onto each minute a little tighter.  I will miss having her by my side each day, but excited about the year ahead for her and what it may bring.

We took the familiar roads, walked the path to the gate, and up the steps to her classroom.  And quick as lightning, she was gone – racing into her class without a second to spare to say goodbye.

My heart went in with her.

M x

This entry was posted in At home, Children.


  1. Louise February 1, 2013 at 7:37 am #

    Beautiful words and photos… made me cry!
    How will you go when she is off to school Mel… not worth thinking about! 🙂 xox

  2. Jen February 2, 2013 at 4:08 am #

    my heart goes with you too……

  3. Jody Ryan February 4, 2013 at 7:41 am #

    She is growing up so fast – love her sandals too. Very pretty photos Mel xxx

  4. Mish February 5, 2013 at 11:53 am #

    Mel, could your words and images be more beautiful? Loving Sophia’s plaits. She is indeed growing up so fast!! xxoo

  5. melriddell February 28, 2013 at 2:32 pm #

    Thank you so much Louise, Jen, Jody & Mish! I think I will be a mess when she starts school next year. Jody, she LOVES her yellow sandals! xxx

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